Car Loans For People With Horrible Credit []
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Okay, so what exactly is it that makes your credit horrible? Is it a repossession? A bankruptcy? A foreclosure? Do you have multiple late payments?
Maybe you have a credit card charged off or two?
Three or four?
Chances are if you have been to a car dealership, you have been turned down and told that you are going to be refused car credit if you do not improve your credit score. Sometimes car dealerships will tell people that they can get approved if and only if, they have a significant down payment that equals 20% or more of the sale price of the car. If you have a horrible credit, you have probably been told these things.
There is good and bad news...
The bad news is that you are simply not going to get approved for an expensive vehicle. So, if you have an idea of a brand-new Lincoln navigator in your mind, then that's just not going to happen.
If you would like a decent vehicle that will get you where you are going and be dependable, then that is very doable. With some online lenders, it's actually possible to qualify for a brand-new vehicle. It all depends on how much monthly income you have and if any bankruptcy that you have had, is discharged. Any bankruptcy that you have had must be either discharged or dismissed in order for you to obtain a car loan.My Recommendation: The fastest and easiest way that you can go about getting a car loan if you have horrible credit is to simply go online and use a legitimate car loan website.Â
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