Friday, July 13, 2012

Credit Cards For Poor Credit - Don't Screw This Up []

Credit Cards For Poor Credit - Don't Screw This Up []

Merchants have long sought the right to charge customers more for paying with a credit card, which would help them defray the cost of accepting plastic. ... However we do not know what card is going to be used and different cards have differing charges ... Merchants May Win the Right to Charge Credit Card Users More

EDIT 4: Uploaded "All 9 FreeCreditReport.Com Commercials." So go watch it with the 3 new commercials added to the collection. Now. EDIT 3: You know, you don't have to remind me that there are new commercials out. In fact I uploaded them, so I think I would know. I'm waiting for all the new commercials to come out BEFORE I make another collaberation. So yeah. Shut up about the new commercials. EDIT 2: Added the lyrics as annotations on the video. Now you don't have to look in the description for the lyrics!!! Be careful though, the annotations jump around the video a lot so keep your eyes open! EDIT: Oh my God!!! Fine!!! Here are the freakin lyrics! Now stop spamming me with the constant comments and messages to put the lyrics!!! New Job/Pirate Restaurant Commercial: They say a man should always dress For the job he wants, so Why'm I dressed up like a pirate In this restaurant? It's all because some hack er Stole my identity Now I'm in here every evening Serving chowder and iced tea Shoulda gone to: Free credit report dot com Yee-haa! I coulda seen this coming at me like an atom bomb They monitor your credit and send you email alerts So you don't end up selling fish to tourists in T-shirts Offer applies with enrollment in Triple Advantage. Dream Girl: Well I married my dream girl I married my dream girl But she didn't tell me her credit was bad So now instead of living in a pleasant suburb We're living in the basement at her mom and dad's. No we can't get a ... First 6 Free Credit Report.Com Commercials

Credit cards for poor credit can sound like an oxymoron at times but these cards do exist. There are banks that are willing to offer a line of credit for those who have the ability to make payments but have had financial difficulty in the past. People who have bad credit have a couple options when it comes to getting a card.

There are unsecured cards for people with poor histories. Unsecured cards do not require any type of collateral. However, these cards will cost the carrier more than a regular card. Unsecured credit cards for poor credit usually carry higher annual fees and interest rates. They also have lower credit limits which may increase as you make timely payments.

The one disadvantage of these cards is that people may get them for the wrong reasons. It's good to get an unsecured card to re-establish credit history by making timely payments and not overspending. If the sole purpose for a card is to make more purchases, you run the risk of maxing out this card and paying late and over the limit fees.

Another option for those with poor credit is secured credit cards. Credit cards are secured with collateral, usually a few hundred dollars deposited into an account. You use the card as you would any other card. You are still responsible for monthly payments and interest. However, if you start missing payments, funds will be withdrawn from the cash you deposited in your account. As you prove that you are responsible with a secured card, you may become eligible for regular credit cards.

Credit cards for poor credit truly do exist but they must be handled with care. If you are given the opportunity to have credit card, you must understand that this could be your last chance at getting any type of card in the future. As you prove that you are a responsible card carrier, your credit score will improve, and major purchases will become easier and cheaper. More Credit Cards For Poor Credit - Don't Screw This Up Issues


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