Friday, July 13, 2012

Free Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Forms Checklist []

Free Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Forms Checklist []

Apply for Bankruptcy (Bankruptcy Forms Help) · What is Bankruptcy? Is Bankruptcy suitable for me? How do I declare myself Bankrupt? How much will Bankruptcy cost? Bankruptcy: Living Expenses Guide · How will bankruptcy affect my credit rating? Is bankruptcy too easy?

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The federal bankruptcy program was never intended to cost hundreds or thousands of dollars in lawyer fees! In fact, in most cases, the entire Chapter 7 bankruptcy process consists of completing the Official Bankruptcy Forms, filing them with your local bankruptcy court and attending a brief meeting with a bankruptcy trustee. No lawyer or court hearing is required in most cases. Prepare Your Own Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

The U.S. Bankruptcy Court is expecting you to exercise 'due diligence' when you decide to file bankruptcy without an attorney. This is called 'pro se' (pronounced 'proh say') filing. Your first task is to complete all the required official Chapter 13 forms. If you visit the court's website to get these forms, you will see many listed in there. Both business and personal bankruptcy forms are on one page without any clear distinction. As someone filing Chapter 13, how can you know which forms should you download?

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Forms Checklist to the Rescue

To make your task easier you should get a Chapter 13 bankruptcy forms checklist. You will see many websites offering free bankruptcy forms but only a few of them offers a checklist. If you happen to visit a website offering a free Chapter 13 checklist then do not hesitate to get it quickly.

It is to your own advantage.

A good Chapter 13 checklist can tell you which form to use if you want to pay the filing fee in installments. Some of them contain due dates for each form. For example, which forms do you need to file after paying the court fees? Which forms can you file within 15 days?

Commercial VS Free Bankruptcy Forms

One of the benefits of using a commercial kit is convenience. A bankruptcy kit can save you time and frustration in understanding the bankruptcy process. If you are planning to buy one, make sure the kit contains completed sample of each forms. A sample repayment plan can give you an insight on how to decide your own Chapter 13 plan.

Another important feature to consider is how recent the forms you are buying.

The Federal Court updates the official forms from time to time as they see fit. Never buy from a seller that cannot tell you when they last updated their product. Using old forms can have negative consequences to your case.

What is Your Backup Plan?

If for some reason you decide that self-filing is too difficult for you, it's wise to have a backup plan. Filing personal Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be a daunting task for some individuals. For the average debtor, reading tons of instruction manuals can give them a headache. Having a free alternative plan is always a wise decision when things don't work out as you want them to.

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