Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Using A Boat Loan Calculator [mortgagefraud101.blogspot.com]

Using A Boat Loan Calculator [mortgagefraud101.blogspot.com]

Question by : How in the world do they qualify for EBT? I have a customer with 2 kids, both her and her husband work full time. New cars, boat, nice house in nice area, shops at Whole Foods where I work....over $ 1,300 left in food stamps after spending $ 487 on groceries?!! HOW?! WTF!!!! I was curious and did the online calculator. My husband have a very basic lifestyle. I work part time hours, my husband works full time. We have no kids, pay a mortgage. It said we would have to have 11 children in order to qualify!! Best answer for How in the world do they qualify for EBT?:

Answer by sup ,
They probably lied about their income. I.e. Fraud!

Answer by Shannon
They are cheaters or liars, either way, thats your tax dollars they are buying groceries with. Some people will sell their EBT card/food stamps for cash so that they can pay bills or buy drugs. Some people will lie in order to get free stuff. It is really sad. Its selfish reasons like that, that brought our country to its knees.

Answer by Pray for the peace of Jerusalem
Sounds like fraud to me, stealing from the government.

Answer by bzdadwith5
Do not judge others, There may be more to the story then any of you know. I have a family member that has 1 kid and does not qualify for food stamps but guess what, she has an EBT CARD that is reloaded every month with over $ 900.00 .... Why ? Well because it is not for her, she is the Representative payee for a small group home for disabled and their benefits go onto her EBT (food stamp card) for the purpose of her buying groceries for them every month. These people you ask about could have some type of similar situation but i guess you will never know unless you tell them that you are being very nosy when they check out and look at the balance on there card and you now want to know how they do it.

Answer by Teddy & Chiliswoman
1 of 4 things is happening here: 1. They haven't used food stamps for several months and let them accumulate. My son had over $ 600 at one point because it was the end of summer and we were away from home most of it. 2. They were just approved for food stamps and there was a delay in getting the card - so they have a large accumulation. My niece was approved for food stamps, but her food stamp card was stolen from her mailbox and it had to be replaced. Since she had no proof they made her wait 6 weeks. So the first time she used it she had over $ 700 in her account. 3. They are authorized to buy for other people. Might not even be their food stamps. 4. Fraud. And if you really believe fraud has been committed, you should consider it your responsibility to report it. It is not just a fraud against the government, but against every tax paying citizen.

Answer by J
I'm with those who say that you may not know the whole story. With only 2 kids, they would not be getting that much monthly in Bridge card. They might be supporting other disabled/underage kids in their household or something going on like the other 2 Answerers said. When I was on Food Stamps--before EBT--you had to have kids, be on SSI or Disability to qualify for Food Stamps. & with one kid, the max I could get was $ 175 per month. This was back in 1996. There may have been a raise in EBT, but it probably isn't much.

Answer by JMITW
report your concerns to the EBT program.. i would think assets should disqualify a person---such as a boat... unless they bought all the stuff before food stamps...and they just lost their jobs and didn't tell anyone... are you sure they were buying for themselves and not shopping for someone else with that persons card? maybe a parent? if you report it to EBT, but her name isn't on the books--no harm done...you do have reasonable suspicion i can't imagine a social service agency allowing their food stamps to be used at whole foods---they usually don't have the budget for that... the boat is a resource.. http://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/applicant_recipients/eligibility.htm#Resources Households may have $ 2,000 in countable resources, such as a bank account, or $ 3250 in countable resources if at least one person is age 60 or older, or is disabled. However, certain resources are NOT counted, such as a home and lot, the resources of people who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the resources of people who receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF, formerly AFDC), and most retirement (pension) plans. there is nothing wrong with being suspicious....just don't accuse OMG! some people are so ignorant --assuming its not possible you know anything about this family...maybe the customer talks to much to you, maybe they are from your neighborhood, maybe your friend lives next to them...there are many ways you can come by this info.. there is no way any one could be 100% certain without investigating--and that would be invading their privacy---that is why with things like EBT and SSI/SSDI---you only need reasonable suspicion to report POSSIBLE misuse.... the way the law catches up with people is when citizens pay attention and report suspicious activity....the law cannot work on its own

Answer by doglover2
That is not right , fraud. Sounds like they are claiming more people who live in the household that are not. pLus they are working and have good jobs, you can report them to the welfare department as fraudulent . Perhaps their is a legitiament reason why it is so high , they could ba a payee to a family member or have a organiziation they heko buy food for , it is hard to know . Maybe they just got it and are too embarassed to let people know they lost their jobs, it could be anything , but it does look suspcisiouis.

Answer by jasin
They probably lied about their income and assets. I would definitely report them for welfare fraud. edit: All those saying we do not know the whole story. That's totally wrong. They have a big house and new cars. That's BIG time assets. And welfare looks at assets.

Answer by SpicyIcee
I just don't see how one can jump to so many conclusions. How do you know all of this about them? Like the new cars, boat, nice house, nice area, they work full time. I don't get it. I think you may need to mind your own. Unless you are 100% certain they are doing something wrong. If not, stay out of it please. I could never understand either, when i was busy taking a bus to work. There would be people lined up by the community center to get free food from the donations center, and they would roll up in brand new cars. But I figured, well if they are doing fraud, let the law catch up on them. Oh, they would also have nicer clothes than me, there I was in my work uniform, having to purchase clothes at a thrift store, eating ramen noodles, and they had there convertibles, prada bags, very obese children, then i was like Hmm....am i just jealous? Maybe. But what is there to be jealous about? Nothing at all. Cause I was making my own way.

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A boat loan calculator is a tool which can be used by anyone interested in taking a boat loan to find out about the best available option and payment plans. This is a good way to find out affordability of a loan and check out whether the loan payments fit in your financial budget.

Most of the lenders who offer boat loans have boat loan calculators on their websites to help out boat owners with their decision. This makes it easy for boat owners to get the estimates for their loans. These estimates can be used to compare loans offered by different lenders. Calculators can also be used to know about the best payment plan for yourself to make sure that you are not paying more than required as the cost of the loan. The terms of the loan like the rate of interest, loan amount and loan term can be adjusted to suit your budget.

Doing this kind of research before getting any kind of loan is very important. Even if you are getting everything processed through an agent or a broker, some basic research on your part is a must. This ensures that you get the best option for yourself which can mean a good amount of savings in the long run. Even a small change in your favor can mean a lot better deal.

When using any tool such as a boat loan calculator, you have to keep in mind that the figures you get are only estimates and they are not the exact figures you will be following. These estimates are good base for choosing the best option. A loan is also dependent on a lot of other factors which are not taken in consideration by the calculator. To get the exact figures, you will to contact the company or the lender with all your details about the loan you are looking for. You can always negotiate on the terms and conditions on any loan for your benefit.
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